Keto diet benginners : Starting out on the keto diet is easy with a meal plan that will get you started. A good plan includes meals like a spinach, mushroom, and feta omelet, a bone broth protein shake, and keto coffee. Other foods that you can add to your meals are avocado, cheese, spicy pumpkin seeds, and grape tomatoes with a low-carb, high-fat dressing. If you're still not sure how to start, try these ideas: High-fat, low-carb diet Unless you're a sports fanatic, you might want to avoid a high-fat, low-carb diet for a beginner. While it's true that carbohydrate intake is what makes you feel full, it can also cause you to gain weight. You may be worried that cutting out these foods will cause you to gain weight, but the "Nike way" is a viable option for most people. A low-carb diet is also known to curb hunger. You can replace sweetened beverages with low-carb alternatives. It can reduce the feeling of hunger and improve your overall health. ...